Lay Up Treasures!!!
>> Thursday, December 31, 2009
What do you think of most often you when you are told a story about a person who laid up treasures? I think about medieval castles, foreign lands, evil kings, and powerful armies...well, maybe not all the time, but most of the time! Jesus came to give us a new meaning to the word treasure. he manifested real wealth in this world by giving his life as an atonement for sin. While he taught daily in the temples, mountains, and streets, he commanded us to lay up treasure, and not just any treasure...eternal treasure!
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust dothcorrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
There are many aspects I could expound on from this verse, but to save you all from having to read a textbook, I will focus on the last, but for me the most convicting, part of this verse: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
First, let me define "treasure." The online dictionary defines "treasure" in two ways which I found fascinating! The first is the use as a noun; something valuable, a possession or thing that we own that is worth a lot of money to us. The second definition is a verb; something we treasure in our hearts, or hold dear. I think a lot of times we view 'treasure' as something earthly. It is human inclination. We need, rather, to see the word as an attitude of the heart. We need to treasure our relationships, our walk with God, the still moments of the morning when we can hear God's voice, the little miracles that happen in our walk each day, and perhaps the most of all, the people we are able to influence for Christ! These are the treasures that Jesus spoke of while he taught. Not something that could be taken away or stolen or spoiled, but something that would last for eternity.
Secondly, Jesus warns us that where we lay our treasure is where we will choose to place our heart. We must ask ourselves where our heart is! I must ask myself where my heart is. Is it with a person my parents don't agree with? Is it with earthly possessions? my heart with those I am discipling for Christ, and with those I am receiving Godly counsel from? I would encourage you to take a morning and get up early and just seek God in the stillness while everyone else is still asleep or occupied. There is something about

The Bible as well as our History books boast many people who laid up eternal rather than earthly treasure. George Mueller is a man who sacrificed all for himself in order to eternally impact God's kingdom. During his ministry, he fed and clothed millions of orphans simply by asking God for the provisions needed. He never asked once for money, yet great wealth passed through his hands, a little at a time, just enough for God to show his amazing power. Through it all, Mr. Mueller saw the hand of God in everything. He amassed no earthly wealth, but the souls of orphans were his chief concern. Mr. Mueller did not just feed and clothe children. He taught them about Jesus and about the undying love of our Savior. His eternal treasures made him a very wealthy man. Mr. Mueller had faith that God would provide. He recognized the worthle

Something that has been really convicting to me lately is the level of complaining that I seem to accomplish! I'm not sure how you all feel about complaining, but as I have looked back on the murmuring heart in my binder from Journey to the Heart, I have felt the need to put myself in the place of those I complain to and about! It is a spiritual sapper! I realize now how detrimental complaining is for the relationships we have and especially the relationship we have with God. I think it's a very appropriate time to say...Contentment is something that could certainly be helpful in applying this command to our lives. This command we so often brush aside and take for granted.
Contentment is realizing that true happiness does not depend on material conditions. Contentment realizes that God has given me everything I need for my present welfare and happiness! The secret to contentment is enjoying the presence of the Lord (Psalm 16:11). The alternative to contentment is boredom with worldly possessions (Luke 12:15). The more we release our worldly possessions, the more we will be able to grasp at eternal treasures. "Discontentment makes rich men poor while contentment makes poor men rich." (Ben Franklin)
Ask yourself how content you are. Refuse to believe that it is too hard to try. Be content with what God has given you, but discontent with allowing your spiritual life to dry out. Jesus Christ came to lay up treasures in heaven. We see a pure example in his life. Truly, there was nothing worth giving up his glory in heaven, here on earth. Yet, because of the love he had for us, he came anyway. He was content to die. To be made a servant of mankind... to bow lower than a heal those who had no gratitude...and to give up the greatest itself! His reward? We are his inheritance! Each child of God adds to the inheritance which rewards the sacrificial gift of Jesus.
I have chosen two verses which tie into contentment and treasures to share with you all:
"For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out."
I Timothy 6:7
"For I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phil 4:11 "My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19
Let me leave you with a challenge: How many treasures can you find in the next week? How many rhemas? How many disciples? How many can you share the love of Jesus with? How often can you catch yourself before you complain or utter a murmuring word? How often can you make Jesus first priority? I encourage you to leave behind that which doesn't m

Phil 4:13
I am posting this a little early so I don't have to worry about remembering on New Years Day...