Hear God's Voice
>> Wednesday, April 7, 2010
This seems perhaps like a funny command. "Hear God's voice? He doesn't talk out loud!", some of you might say. True, we often don't have the privilege of hearing God's voice in the same way Isaiah did:
"Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" (Is 6:8)Actually, we have the priviledge of hearing God's voice through our spirits. Through Christ's death on the cross, we have free and unlimited access to the holy of holies...God's dwelling place. Unlike Isaiah who had to experience the voice of the Lord FOR the people, each one of us can individually experience the voice of God and hear his message for our lives. How???
Not too long ago, I was praying and I suddenly remembered hearing someone say, "Prayer is not talking to God or at God. Prayer is talking WITH God." My mind reeled. "Oh dear...will he really say something to little insignificant me?" I wondered. I was half afraid...no, I was completely afraid that he would not say anything if I were silent before him. Isn't that just like us a believers? We want to take the step of faith and yet we are too faithless to do it?! Somehow I missed that verse in James 4:8
"Draw nigh to GodFaith is throwing both arms up and saying "God, I believe you. Take me. I am yours...faith is in essence, a very important aspect of surrender. One does not give themselves fully to something or someone unless they have faith...TRUST in that thing! God has been demanding trust from me lately in a very real and sometimes uncomfortable way. It is causing me to hear him clearly though. We will not hear the voice of the Lord for the little things we want answers for until we trust him in the big things he demands we know.and he will draw night to you."
Anyways, back to my faith experience...I got down on my knees and I decided to just be quiet. Don't you laugh when you think of God telling you to just shut up a second so he can get a word in edge wise? I do...I think God has a sense of humor, but I also think it disappoints him when we're so wrapped up in our struggles that we won't let him take a moment to give us the answe

"Bow down thine ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge." (Proverbs 22:17)God gets tired of our whining. He wants to help us get over it fully and completely!!! As I quieted myself before the Lord, he did speak. At first, it was soft, not so audible to my soul, but then it came quickly like a rushing wind. "You were created for greater works! You must trust me to know what is best for you!" I was shocked. Why? I should expect this of the God who wants a relationship with me...yet my faithlessness had made that impossible. Girls...you will never know the power of the voice of God until you stop to listen to it. It is not loud or glamorous...it is instead filled with a glory that steals in and fills all the cracks, and then takes over your life if you let it. I would challenge you. Get alone with God...let his glory cover you and overflow you. Be silent and watch the fireworks as the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart and soul. He is greater than you know...if you just take the time to get to know him!!!
Hey Em,
Check out the "Intercessor" video on www.bravheartedgospel.com. I think you might consider posting it on your blog or something. It's REALLY good and it would be a good convicting message for folks to hear!!! I LOVED it!!!
So true... It can be hard to listen to God sometimes, because the intellect argues "what if I'm hearing my own thoughts and not really God's?" But, after de-throning the intellect, and binding the power of Satan, sitting in God's presence and listening to Him is quite... safe... and refreshing. I remember one time when I was struggling, and God told me He loved me more than anyone else in the world. -Exactly what I needed at that time. God is amazing if you stop to listen!
Thank you for the joy of your words ringing true in my heart. Our dear Jesus, He answers with words of Life everytime. Just today I feel like I'm deciding the rest of my life - Oh to hear Christ so clearly and obey.
Grateful, so grateful to see you a few weeks ago. And to see you and your family bringing in the sheaves for the kingdom of God. Be encouraged. Your gifts under the direction of the Holy Spirit infuse LIFE!
Love to you in Jesus,
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