Judge Not, II
>> Saturday, February 27, 2010
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?Matthew 7: 1-3

James, in his letter to the Christians, says:
Speak not evil one of another, brethren [or sisters]. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

Neither are we to judge, because we sure don’t see the whole picture. Only God is a perfect judge for He sees the whole picture!
Our flesh loves go tell people of another person’s faults and we love to talk about how bad everything is that one is doing. And, of course, it makes us look good, because we give the appearance of being better than the person we are talking about.
Paul said it like this in Romans 2:1,
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. Wow those are some of his powerful words.
Read Romans 1:29-32 and you will know what “things” Paul is speaking about.
Here are good ways to examine our hearts:
When I see a fault in someone’s life, is my first thought how to help?
Is their fault a signal to examine my own life?
Have I asked God to reveal the “beam” in my own eye? What has he shown me?
In what areas has God given me victory?
Have I developed ways to share answers with others?
Have I examined my life to identify anything that might make others stumble?
When I see a problem, do I get all the facts and involve only those who are part of the solution?
Doesn’t the last one just sum up-- to get only those involved who are part of the solution?
To have people confide in us we need to keep in mind that we are to help and not to judge.
*Scripture emphasis added by me.
Em, are we back on a schedule, cuz I didn't get one via email...
Hannah, did you get my email as of February 15? If you didn't, what we're doing is waiting a few weeks so anyone who wants to catch up can before the last schedule is sent. So far, only one person has taken the opportunity there, but the plan is to wait another week or so and then send the final list out to those most likely to post on the last commands. Sound good? :)
Sounds good. I didn't get the email, but my mom may have deleted it on accident or something. I'll be watching for your email. Also, Sarah said you broke your leg or something??? Are you Ok?
That is so true! My mom always says that it takes a true woman to go back to the source of the rumor and make things right. And, most of the time, that gossip is unfounded anyway. The real cause of all the gossip that gets passed around is a judgemental attitude. Ouch!
@Hannah- I forwarded the message to you, so hopefully you'll be able to read it this time. :)
Hm, no, I haven't broken any leg of mine! Not sure what that could've been confused from... did Sarah hear it from someone else?
She read it in the JTTH newsletter that "Emily" broker her leg while preparing the Valentine's Day Dinner at Headquarters, but I didn't think that could be you b/c weren't you home over Valentine's Day? Maybe it was Emily Oliverio??? Sarah thought it was Emily Schuurmans though, so I'm not sure what happened.
I looked for myself at the newsletter and it was Emily Oliverio. Poor thing. I'll have to see her when I go to Headquarters on the 19th.
OK, that makes sense, since I saw her with crutches in a picture of the Valentine's staff.
You're going to HQ?! For how long, girl?
I'm taking a group of girls to JTTH from my church but we're going up a day early and not coming home until the 30th.
Good for you, Hannah! I hope you all have a wonderful time delighting in the Lord and learning even stronger what it means to love Him. God bless!
Em, i am leaving for JTTH in just three days. Was wondering if you'd be ok with me posting a second post on Watch and Pray. I wanted to share something with the girls that I recently came across that will tie into my trip in a few days...
I've had that in mind while planning our next schedule, which is why it hasn't been sent out yet. =) I'm hoping we can get started again once you are back?
By all means, share what you learned on Watch and Pray! I'm looking forward to reading what you came across!
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