Render Unto Caesar
>> Friday, February 12, 2010
I thought...and thought...and though...and then I thought some more. WHAT does it mean to "render unto Caesar"? I felt like I was spiritually illiterate as I contemplated this phrase. Maybe you feel the same way sometimes. However, when I looked at the verse which was given in the Commands of Christ booklet, it shed new light on the meaning of this phrase, which I believe is often mistaken for something else.
"Show me thy tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto the, render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God, the things that are God's." Matthew 22:19-21This command is about more than money. It calls us to respect those in leadership over us. If you read the context of this passage, the holy men which Jesus was speaking to, were complaining about having to pay such a godless and heathenish man. Jesus gently showed them that although their ruler was not a godly man, they still needed to respect his wishes. Speaking of respecting our leaders, I have a story about that!
Several months aLadies, lets remember that all the authorities in our lives are there for a reason and a purpose. They were placed there by God himself. From Mr. Obama all the way down to your older sister or brother who tells you what to do, each instance in which you choose to obey is a time when you choose to be a testimony to a dark world about the love of Jesus...a man who demonstrated the ultimate picture of submission when he gave up glory for the cross.go, a friend and I were harmlessly chatting over the internet on Picasa Web where we had posted our photographs. We were on her page, and the whole thing had started with us admiring each others pictures. A little while later, she had to go, so I finished my commenting, and logged out. I had written some indirectly disrespectful things about the President which I hadn't really thought about as being dishonoring, but several hours later, my phone rang. It was the same friend I had been chatting with earlier. "You know Hannah, I know that we were just having fun, but we need to remember when we're out on the internet that people are looking for dishonoring things about our leaders. As Christians, we need to respect our government. The man in office is the man God placed there." I was not in the least offended by her words, but they struck deep in my heart, because I knew they were true. I thanked her for telling me and told her that I was grateful that she felt like she could call me about such things. We parted better friends than before, and have shared a genuine fellowship ever since. Since that time, I have not spoken dishonorably about our President because I realize now that he did not get himself to office. God did. Our nation is worthy of instant death. If God wants to judge us through one man, that is his will.
The character quality for this command is very fitting. It's gratefulness!
Expressing sincere appreciation to God and to others for the ways that they have benefited my life.Not too long ago, I found that my daily life revolved around complaining about my circumstances, my authorities, and my lack of privileges. I though it was unjust that I could not have simple things like email, texting, face-book, and skype. I felt that I was being deprived from healthy communication with my close friends...all of whom live in Alabama (and I am in North Carolina!). One of my friends told me recently, "Do not complain about where you are, or what life's lot is for you. Just realize that wherever you are and whatever you're doing, divine love has placed you there." When we finally had to say goodbye, her last words were "I'm counting on you." Oh that we could seize our daily opportunities to honor those to whom honor is due, and to realize that the divine love of God had placed us in the trials and difficulties we find ourselves "drowning" in. Oh that we could remember all the people that are "counting on us" and I think we could get so much more accomplished.
Ladies, you mom, dad, brothers, sisters, and friends are counting on you. Those who are lost in a dark and dying world are counting on you...because you have the answers for eternal life! I would encourage you to go forth today, putting aside the things that so easily beset you, and run with patience, the race that is set before you! Don't look back and count mistakes or troubles. Look forward and remember the words of the Lord to Isaiah in chapter 43, verses 18-19.
Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.Go back to those who have given you the strength to keep fighting and thank them. Realize that often, when man means something for evil, God means it for good. Cling to the Rock of your Salvation and remember that though life may seem unjust...divine love has placed you there.
I love you all and hope that the Lord will encourage you this week as you continue pressing on for him!
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