Come Lord Jesus!

>> Friday, July 2, 2010

Gold rimmed clouds.
Heaven's rays of light streaming through like gigantic stage lights. My earliest memories reach back to brilliant moments as, with my little girl blond head tilted back, my small frame faced the magnitude of the sky's message above. With reels of anticipation I remember exclaiming "Jesus is coming back!" At times I could almost see Him. The more the light radiated in the break in the clouds, the more sure I was that Jesus would come before the sun went down. Have you ever looked up to the clouds with the thought on your heart, "Lord Jesus, You are coming. Today?"
Jesus described His heavenly accent as a man going on a journey who would leave his business and home in the care of capable, trusted servants. At all times they were to be ready - ready for his return.
The parable went on the describe how easy it would be for the servants to become despondent, distracted and their hearts disconnected from the post the master had left them to fill. In fact Jesus questioned in His earth walk, "When the Son of man comes will He find faith on the earth?"

This year I've been blessed to live in a little apartment, affectionately called "the tree house". Through the skylight window in the kitchen, I enjoy the summer's golden rays. Deep in my heart I question, "Lord Jesus, are You coming today?" And His smiling answer returns, "I'm here today." And thus, while I await His appearing, I yet love His Presence.

In this time of waiting we've all been given a post to fill, a delightful duty for the kingdom's sake. It isn't manditory, but rather expressive of a heart that knows it is loved by the Master. What is the Master's post for you? Are you still there?

The Master has given me a post that doesn't have an official sounding name, a trendy title, or a black and white schedule, but it is a post of the heart. A calling of the mind, will, emotions.
A calling of Hope. (Eph. 1)

A calling to HOPE.

A calling to watch and pray. I don't know His ETA (estimated time of arrival), but I do know that He's coming soon. May we be found "looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ." Titus 2:3

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that Love His Appearing.
II Timothy 4:7,8

A few thoughts:
  • Be ready. As the old songs goes: "When the Bridegroom cometh will your robes be white? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?" In the secret chamber of your heart ask the Lord, "Are my garments spotless, with not a stain of the world?" Jesus is faithful to reveal the stained spots and has already provided the washing of them. Praise God!

  • Minister to the Lord through praise: tell Him you love the promise and anticipation of His arrival.

  • Be beautiful for Jesus: there's nothing so beautiful as a thankful heart.

  • Exercise spiritual alertness. Beaware of current events and understand the times.

  • Stay in tune with the Holy Spirit and His work around (and in) you, through prayer.

Blessings are yours in Jesus,


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